“I don’t do that, sorry.” If the only reason we don’t do what we’ve been asked is fear, we have a problem. There are things in life only we can do, and fear should not keep us from engaging in the task. Sometimes others tell us we’re not good enough for the task, not qualified, not worthy. If we listen to them we are shortchanging ourselves. It may very well be that we are also shortchanging God by not engaging in a task he created us to perform.
We make a difference for God in our households, schools, work environment, when we find time to have God speak to us in prayer, when we ask for guidance, and then live uniquely like Jesus in our own unique environments. Each of us was created to be what God created us to be. I was created, among other things, to be a father and father-in-law and now grandfather to eight awesome people. What I can bring into their lives no one else can?
What you can bring into my life only you can bring. There is no other like you. So, what must we bring to our world today? What message? What gift? What question? What answer? What parable? What good news? It is in you. It is in me. God put it there. It must come out.
Let’s do what only we can do today.
May whatever resistance or acceptance we encounter be received by us as something only we can receive in the way we receive it. Jonah had a five word (in the Hebrew) message for the Ninevites. It was God’s gift to them through the man who came up from the bottom of the sea. A unique man with a five word gift. And what a gift it was. May peace be ours today.