
Monday, March 14, 2011

Make a card to send to a missionary or a person in a nursing home

Being a part of the Church is being a member of a community. The Church is a costly fellowship of those who share a new life in Christ Jesus and so, are connected at a level too deep to ever fully explore. We may sense this when we have communion, knowing that this links us through all time and space to others who are also being sustained by our Lord. We may sense this connection of community when we pray for those who are close to us in thought.

Because of this connection we should remember those who are either serving the Lord away from their home church or those who are older and are living in a place that does not afford them the opportunity to worship with their community. These can be lonely places and lonely times. They have joys but they also may miss their church family. They may miss the community they know deep within themselves that they are connected to through Jesus.

Let us today send a card. Maybe an e-mail would work too. Let our missionaries know they are being prayed for. Let our seniors know they are missed. Remind them and ourselves that we are connected. We are the family of God.

(If you want to send a missionary a card but do not know where to send it, please see the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. There is information on the missionaries and organizations we support there).

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