
Friday, March 18, 2011

Remember whom God created you to be!

"I wonder if I'll every find my way?"
"Could a garden come up from this ground at all?"

Spinning through my head at odd moments, these lyrics are from a song by Gungor called 'Beautiful Things." The resounding answer in the refrain witnesses to God's ability for renewal:
"You make beautiful things.
You make beautiful things out of the dust.
You make beautiful things.
You make beautiful things out of us.

You make me new, You are making me new....."
The snowdrops and eranthis are peeking out their cheery white and yellow faces today along the creek that trickles through our yard, a reminder that when we walk with God in faith, he will continue to make us new. Jonah wasn't so sure about letting God in ... Do we dare to let God make us new?

1 comment:

Jennifer Boes said...

Read this prayer after posting on MinEmergent that seemed to just fit.

God's Garden Providence

The vine is strong
that holds the fruit

The earth is generous
that homes the seed

The stem is brave
that holds the flower

The sky is brash
that dares to rain

The leaf is bold
that sings its green

Your vine, your fruit, your flowers,
O God,
Bless us in our emerging:
your garden, your church,
blossom, root and branch.

Rev. Wendy MacLean
Wendy MacLean is a minister of the United Church of Canada, working for Montreal Presbytery as the minister of Vision and Transformation.