
Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday: Meditate for 10 minutes in silence thinking about Jesus' gift.

I don't often enough take significant time to simply quiet my heart. I invited you to take time today whether in the car, or on a walk, or as you fold clothes to remember how much God loves you. Maybe this poem by George MacLeod could remind us how immense God's love and sacrifice is.

Thanks to JR Woodward for sharing this poem at  

From the introduction to a book of prayers by George published by Iona: "George Fielden MacLeod is perhaps best known as a prophetic figure. His passionate calls for political and social justice, his tireless campaigning for nuclear disarmament and his action for the rebuilding of community – sym- bolised by the prophetic sign of the rebuilding of Iona Abbey – deservedly made him one of the most noted churchmen of the twentieth century."

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