
Monday, April 18, 2011

A large city can be turned around with a few words from God. Ask Jonah.

We know words are powerful.  Gandhi turned a whole nation onto a path of non-violent resistance against powerful empire.  Martin Luther King spoke of a dream and ignited the imaginations of many. Words count.  It’s for good reason we have the proverb, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” 

“Why” can be a very strategic word.  We just have to know when to use it.  The Bible’s book of Proverbs encourages us to know what to ask when and how.  A friendship can be saved with the right word spoken at a timely moment.  Read a story to a young child and a whole new world opens up, never to be lost.  

Jonah spoke five Hebrew words and a whole city turned away from evil and toward the God whose mercy was showered over them.  Jesus spoke beatitudes that still find their way deed inside the souls of those who need to hear them. 

Find a word or two of Jesus today.  The Gospels are full of them.  Let them resonant in you.  Then sometime this week speak them.  You will know when and to whom.

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