
Monday, April 4, 2011

Tell someone they impress you – enjoy the smile.

We tend to remember the people who encouraged us, supported us, urged us to keep doing what we are doing, and even attempt new things they believed we were capable of.  I know I do.  I have an uncle who has been a constant encouraging presence in my life.  I smile when I see him.  We were able to be together for a few minutes at his brother’s (my other uncle's) funeral in January.  I thanked him for what he means in my life.  I had worked for both of these men for a number of years and cherish the experience. They encouraged. I learned the value of collaboration from them. 

God’s kingdom needs citizens who are impressed with what God is doing through others.  There is much happening around us in this kingdom that is impressive.  Sometimes those doing the impressive work, i.e. helping others, listening to others, giving time to sit with the lonely, preparing Sunday School lessons, etc., need us to say we are impressed.  Their smile of response usually means they intend to keep on doing what they’re doing.  Jesus is pleased. 

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